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Rosemary Hathaway
Professor, Department of English
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  • 9/11 E-lore Archive

9/11 E-lore Archive

Example of 9/11 e-lore: image of crying eagle with the World Trade Center Towers burning in the background

In the weeks after 9/11, I began collecting folklore that circulated about the event via email: memes, jokes, chain letters, and legends. These were compiled into a web archive that was hosted by my then-employer, the University of Northern Colorado. I wrote about the creation of this archive (and other related 9/11 folklore) in a 2005 article in the Journal of Folklore Research.

Neither the journal's link nor the UNC link to the web archive work any longer, but if you are interested in the archive, please email me at and I will send you a pdf of the full site.